History of our Sanctuary
The congregation of Old Stone Presbyterian Church was organized on August 6, 1783 as Lewisburg Presbtyerian Church and first worshiped in a log house a few miles west of Lewisburg. A few years later the congregation began to build our current sanctuary, completing construction in 1796. It is thought to be the oldest church building in continuous use west of the Alleghenies and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.
The building originally constructed of native limestone and was approximately 44 feet square. In 1830 an extension was added to the west end to make the building 75x44 feet. At this time (1830) the entrance was moved from the east to the west end of the building. Some of the original windows were closed (by stone) but the top arch was left to indicate the location of the windows. The building has been in continuous use since 1796 except for a brief period during the Civil War. It was used at that time as an emergency hospital and later for billeting troops by both the Union and Confederate forces.
The collection boxes now used were made for the church in 1844 by a member of the congregation.
Through the doorways of this church have passed many generations of devout worshipers. To thousands its strong walls have been a symbol of faith that abides.
The devoted spirit of those who nearly two centuries ago erected this enduring place of worship in a wilderness is reflected in the inscription made by Col. John Stuart, who personally polished and carved the stone placed above the door:
“This building was erected in the year of 1796 at the expense
of a few of the first inhabitants of this land to commemorate
their affection and esteem for the holy gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reader, if you are inclined to applaud their virtues
Give God the Glory.”